Tag Archives: pool

Late Night Local Streaming Billiards

So it’s 2am and I’m working on my online business and some how I clicked on one of those Facebook trending headlines talking about how Nest had bought Dropcam.  Neither of these companies had I heard of before, but apparently Nest is a Google-owned company that offers some home automation type stuff.  Things like controlling your thermostat and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.  It looks like Dropcam offers “plug and play” web cams which looks pretty cool.  So I’m on the Dropcam website checking on their cams and find they have a directory of live web cams on their site.  While browsing I just happen to come upon the stream of a local billiards club we have here in Greensboro.  So I’m sitting here watching someone practice their shots.  I had heard of this place before but now I can sit here and look in on what’s going on.

So that’s tonight distraction.  Now it’s time to get back to work to marketing my online business.

Oh…if you want to look in on Gate City Billiards you can do so here:

Gate City Billiards Drop Cam